Getting out of a funk can be hard. Whether you have a lot going on that it is unbearable, you are getting out of a bad relationship, you have lost someone you loved, etc. There are so many reasons why you can be in a funk.

The longer you go without trying to get out of it, the deeper and darker the depression or the funk will become. So just try your best to find what works for you and don’t stop trying.

I hope this information can help someone else like it has helped me. It took me a long time but they have made such a difference in my life and I hope they do yours too!

First, get up at a decent time, preferably in the early morning. Feeling like you did not waste the day away will help tremendously.

Then take a shower and wash off all the worries and sorry from yesterday and the days before that. Remember today is a new day.

When you get out, lotion up, put a little makeup on, do your hair a bit, and spray some of your favorite perfume/cologne on you. The scent will bring an extra ounce of happiness to your life and if it doesn’t, find the beauty in it.

Make your bed so you are less likely to crawl back into it. It will look nice and be all ready for you to get back into at the end of the night.

Clean up anything else that is causing a build-up in your life. Decluttering will help you declutter in the inside.

Eat a something, even if you’re not hungry then eat something small. This will help you wake up and feel a little bit more alive. Drink some orange juice.

Take your vitamins. This will help provide you with anything you are missing. This can help you feel not so groggy or weak.

Write down positive affirmations or reasons why you are grateful. Sometimes we may think about one or two things regularly that we are grateful for but I know there is so much more, from big to small. So remind yourself of those things.

Get some fresh air. Go outside, go for a walk, do a small workout, read a book, do a craft, play a sport, enjoy nature. Just do something with fresh air.

After you have quieted and eased your mind a little, listen to your favorite music. Songs can bring a lot of joy to the soul so jam out and let go.

Call a family member or a friend or get together with them. If you have kids, do something you guys love doing together. Try not to mention or think about anything weighing you down unless you absolutely need to get it off of your chest. Otherwise, the constant reminder will continue to weigh heavy on your chest. Let it go.

Go about your day, continuing to try and one minute, one hour, you will remember why you are worthy and capable of coming out of this funk and for continuing to push for more.

Remembering that nothing lasts forever. These feelings and this situation is temporary and the quicker you pull through and the more you try, the faster you will get to the next step and chapter in your life.

God gives us these times to appreciate more whats ahead. And remember, he gives his toughest battles to his toughest soldiers.

Eat dinner, pick up, and wash your face off.

Go to bed remembering all you are grateful for and all you are yet to become.

You can conquer this day and any day. Just get out of bed, get ready, and show up.

Til next time, from me to you.


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