1. BE YOURSELF – Seriously, be who you want to be and do not let people who may be close to you make you feel bad for thinking or wanting to be a certain way. As long as you are not harming anybody, you have the right to be who you want to be. Do not feel bad about it.

2. LOVE YOURSELF – To constantly remind yourself that you are beautiful and you are loved. That it is perfectly OK to make mistakes and that absolutely nobody is perfect and that we should not strive to be. You are worthy of great things and to trust your instincts and to live by your own moral code. Just make sure you are kind to yourself and to all others, and you do your best each day. It doesn’t matter how beautiful you are on the outside, you have to be kind on the inside. Kind to others, kind to yourself.

3. FIND YOUR PASSION – If you are struggling with figuring out what you want to do for a career, what you want to become, or what to do in your spare time, think of what you are passionate about. Whether it is helping people, interior designing, cooking, healthcare, teaching children, writing, etc. Any of these things that you may enjoy, could lead you to a career that you also enjoy. I will never forget the quote that helped me a lot, “If you can not find your purpose, find your passion.” Basically what makes your soul feel at its best, go do that. Whether it be for fun or for a career, it will be apart of your purpose. We all deserve to feel we have a purpose.

4. HAVE GOOD VALUES – Be that person who is nonjudgmental, helpful, kind to all, trustworthy, reliable, honest, fun, humble, down to earth, and so much more. Someone who truly believes beauty and significance starts from the inside out, man or woman. It is not about looks, it is about what is on the inside of you. Someone who stands firmly in what they believe in, from big to small and someone who will always help someone in need if they can. Live by the quote, “Stand for something or you will fall for anything.”

5. NOTHING LASTS FOREVER – The tough time you may be going through now, will pass by. Do not self-medicate or harm yourself or settle for less than you deserve. Making a wrong decision because you are in a painful or an uncomfortable situation will only make things worse. If you make a wise decision, you will come out on top, even if it doesn’t show it over night. Nothing lasts forever, this is one stepping stone to the rest of your life so try to leave the best imprint you possibly can because where you leave these imprints will determine where you leave your next ones, on a good path or a bad one. Be the bigger person!

Till next time, from me to you,


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