1. LOVE YOURSELF – Never stop and always continue working on it. We all may lose ourselves at times but it’s so important to remember who you are and what you stand for. No one will ever love you the way you do if you work for it. And it’s true what they say, you can’t love someone else the right way unless you love yourself. Whether it’s a significant other, a child, a job, etc. You have to fully adore yourself also to adore someone else. Imagine having hate for yourself, yet trying to love or show a child love, or having a husband but you hate yourself. You will never be able to love someone else to your full potential unless you show yourself that same potential of love.

2. RESPECT YOURSELF – When you respect yourself because now you know your worth, then you will never settle for less. Respect your body and set boundaries so that no one will interfere with your inner peace or disrespect you in a way you should now allow. Respect the morals and values you have instilled inside of you because you not settling for any less will come in handy in all areas of your life I promise.

3. HEAL – Heal from the past and the present so it does not affect your future. It’s not easy to leave your past where it belongs where it belongs, because it can be such a heavy weight we tend to carry each day. Although, we truly only live one life and we cannot change the past so try your best to heal and not dwell on trauma. Seek whatever your soul needs, a therapist, meditation, journaling, talking to someone, etc. Healing is painful but it can be such a beautiful journey.

4. MAKE TIME FOR YOU – Make time to do something you truly enjoy that can make you smile or laugh. Whether it be hanging out with a friend, a loved one, or being by yourself to enjoy the silence and peace around you. Whether it is reading a book, going for a walk, journaling, painting, thrift shopping, whatever it is that you enjoy.

5. TREAT YOURSELF – You deserve to get that french fry from McDonalds or that espresso drink form Starbucks. You also deserve that cute shirt you wanted at the mall. That hair color and cut you have been wanting for so long! Treat yourself. Life is short! As long as it’s not taking food or shelter away from your family, you’ll make it work! Don’t splurge unless you can afford to but everyone deserves to treat themselves, including you.

6. SHOW GRATITUDE – Show yourself gratitude, even if it’s not for the materialistic things, but what is inside of you. The person you are, what you have been through, how strong and resilient you are. Find things to be grateful for, because I promise they’re there. Find appreciation for the differences among us all. There is so many people in the world, we are all just here trying to live the best we can or know how. Showing gratitude and kindness to yourself and others will do something to your soul and the core of your being like never before.

7. SHOW UP FOR YOU – Do the right thing even when no one is watching. Show up for yourself and for those closest to you because you will sleep much better at night knowing you did what was best for you and that you stayed true to yourself, your values, and beliefs. Do and be what makes you happy from the inside out. As long as you continue to treat yourself and others with dignity and respect, you can lay your head down each night knowing that you showed up and showed out, from small to big.

I hope this can help you, or even just one person. I had to learn these things as an adult and doing these 7 things for myself continuously has been life-changing. I am confident in who I am, I know I am not perfect, but I try hard. I have set boundaries for myself and how I allow others to be in my circle or life, and I will not settle for anything less than I deserve. I have a heart for everyone, especially those struggling, because I have been there. I still struggle, I don’t think the struggle ever completely goes away. But doing these 7 things over and over again does become easier, and life does get easier.

Til next time, from me to you.


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